
Risks Of Riding In An Uber And Other Ride-Sharing Apps

Atlanta Uber Accident Lawyer

Since the last decade, the rise of ride-sharing apps has been monumental to some extent. And, for good reasons as well! For example, it has made the market brimming with different options and made transportation much more accessible.

Besides, it’s become much more convenient for us to book our ride without having to go through various travel-related complexities.

So, why do people still consider riding in an Uber and other ride-sharing apps to be risky?

Let’s find out.

Risks Of Riding A Ride-Sharing Vehicle


The usage procedure of a ride-sharing vehicle is pretty straightforward. You have to download the app, find the diver who’s sitting the closest to you, and book the ride. The payment can be made both online and offline depending on the platform.

Sounds pretty easy, right?

While the process may sound straightforward, the ride-sharing apps can pose a danger to both riders and drivers. You can always hire an Atlanta Uber Accident Lawyer if you get into any trouble. However, we’d still ask you to learn about the dangers beforehand –

For The Drivers


Almost anyone with a car can be a driver for Uber or any other ride-sharing app. However, before you take such a step, we’d ask you to consider the following risks first –

  • Car crashes are considered to be the 6th most common reason for death in the USA. And, with Uber, you will have to drive for multiple hours to take your passengers to their preferred destination. Hence, it can increase your risk of mishandling your vehicle and encountering an accident even more.
  • Contrary to the driver, the passenger will not have to provide their background while getting into your car. Hence, you will never know who you are picking up, especially if you are driving deep in the night. Sometimes, you may have to deal with intoxicated clients, increasing your risk of injuries even more.
  • Usually, your personal vehicle insurance will not work for you if you are working as a rideshare driver. Also, if you get into an accident, the standard insurance of Uber or any other similar app will only cover specific portions of your shift. Hence, sometimes, you could find yourself getting no insurance coverage for your issue!

For The Riders

Atlanta Uber Accident Lawyer

Like the drivers, the ride-sharing apps can make life pretty difficult for the riders as well. Here’s what you need to know in this regard –

  • The ride-sharing platforms tend to ban drivers from taking passengers if their rating is too low. However, this takes quite a bit of time. Hence, if you are too unlucky, it might be possible for you to get such drivers and end up with a bad experience.
  • Ride-sharing vehicles are more prone to accidents, as they have to carry various unpredictable passengers all the time. Therefore, sometimes, it may result in fatal car accidents, in which many people can lose their lives.
  • Driver impersonation is yet another common aspect. In some cases, you might find someone who’s not your booked driver. Hence, getting into their car and riding with them can bring even more trouble for your purpose.

Safety Tips To Follow While Using A Ride-Sharing Vehicle


If you are in a hurry to go somewhere, you will have to book an Uber or any other similar ride-sharing app. There’s no other way around it. Hence, make sure to follow the below-mentioned tips to avoid troubles regarding this aspect –

For Riders

As a rider, you should keep the following things in mind while riding an Uber –

  • Ask for driver verification to learn if they are the ones you booked or not.
  • Wear a seatbelt to reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Always trust your instinct and reject the ride if you feel unsafe.

For Drivers

The drivers need to consider a few things before taking a passenger too. Here are a few of them –

  • Screen your passengers before accepting their ride.
  • Pay attention to how your rider acts and ask them to leave if they’re throwing a hissy fit.
  • Plan ahead for the potential scenarios to handle them efficiently.


It’s always good to be aware of the risks associated with ridesharing apps both as a driver and a rider. This way, you can avoid various related difficulties and enjoy your ride to the fullest!

Additional reading:


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