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How To Handle Being Falsely Accused Of Criminal Charges?

Criminal Charges

A false crime accusation occurs when you get charged with a felony that you didn’t commit. Indicting someone deceitfully is, in essence, a serious criminal offense, as it can affect your life and career negatively.

If you’ve been charged with something you didn’t do, you should try to hire a criminal defense attorney kansas city MO, first. Once you have done that, you can then talk about your circumstances with them and act accordingly.

Types Of False Accusations

Although it may not seem so, the issue of false accusations is pretty common, especially in the USA. According to a report, around 2,300 people in the USA have been falsely accused during the timeline between 1989 to 2018.

However, if you can prove them wrong, they’ll be incarcerated for falsely accusing you. In any case, when it comes to false accusations, you can be charged with the following –

  • Rape,
  • Arson,
  • Assault, and
  • Domestic violence.

In essence, you can be falsely accused due to various reasons. Amongst them, five of the most common issues include –

  • Misrecollection.
  • Mistaken identity.
  • Misleading forensic evidence.
  • Malicious false accusations.
  • Official misconduct.

As mentioned before, hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney Kansas City MO should be your first concern after getting accused falsely. Please keep reading to know more about it.

What Should You Do After Getting Falsely Accused?

What Should You Do After Getting Falsely Accused

As soon as you perceive that you’ve been falsely accused of a crime, you will need to take action quickly. Here’s what you have to do in this regard.

1: Remain Silent

When you have been accused falsely of something, it might seem tempting to declare that you’re innocent from every front. However, if you are inconsistent in your story, it might be used against you by the lawyer of your opponent.

Hence, even when you see that you’re being cornered by someone else, we will ask you to remain silent for a while. It’s best to talk when you have your attorney sitting beside you.

2: Hire A Lawyer

When you’ve been accused of criminal charges, don’t wait and expect that it will be resolved after some time. However, it’s not true. As long as you are not proving yourself innocent, no one will do anything for your case.

Therefore, we will ask you to hire a lawyer in this aspect as soon as possible. They can help you understand the case and offer their expertise in proving your story successfully.

3: Decline Voluntary Testing

Decline Voluntary Testing

It might seem that a voluntary search of your room will help you prove yourself innocent. But, you never know what the police can find in your house.

Hence, unless it’s the court that has ordered the same, you should always decline any kind of test or search of your house. It’s essential, especially during the earlier stage of the case.

4: Gather Evidence

When it comes to proving yourself innocent, you should start your journey by gathering as much evidence as possible. Keep them in a single space and show everything to your lawyer.

Even if it’s something that’s working against you, you should still be upfront about it. It, in turn, will help your team create the perfect story for your case.

On the other hand, if you keep a secret from your attorney, they may end up in a pitfall later. Destroying something crucial can also make you appear guilty.

5: Don’t Talk With The Victim

Whether it’s the victim or the witness, you should not talk to anyone unless the case is solved. Unlike what you think, you will not be able to work anything out at all.

On the flip side, it might complicate the whole case even more. You may say something that can be used against you in the course.

If you believe that you can sort everything out with the victim, make sure to tell your lawyer about the plan. They will tell you how you can move forward later on.


So, now, we will be concluding our article. If you still have any queries about anything at all, be sure to let us know in the comment section below. Hopefully, it will all work out in the end for you. Good luck!

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